

This tag is associated with 24 posts

Daily Doodle: Workshopping

So, I find that sharing with you guys is like workshopping an idea. For this one, I didn’t want to copy the famous Boris Karloff Universal Pictures Frankenstein creature or Bride of Frankenstein exactly. I did want to acknowledge it and pay homage, while tipping the hat to the nineteenth century that he was created in. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818 and Comic-Con is paying tribute to the book’s bicentennial.

Daily Doodle: Unfinished

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to finish this for the grant: at least not to the state where I wanted it. I was able, however, to flesh out the major arcs of this idea, finish 5 pencilled pages, and ink about 60-70% of it. I’ll be sharing that work here. I’m going to spend more time working on this after Pablo is completed to submit for next year. I hope that opportunity still exists. If not, this bad boy is still getting made. In the meantime, enjoy the work in progress.

Daily Doodle: Fingers crossed

This was due today but you still get to enjoy the process work.

Daily Doodle: Still at it

Had to redo some perspective work when tightening up my pencils. Thank God for Autodesk Sketchbook’s perspective tool. Ruling this out would have taken forever for me.

Daily Doodle: Pagination

Racing to finish by tightening up pencils. Feels a bit 11th hour.

Daily Doodle: Gibbet cage

Learned something new yesterday while I rethink a page. This form of torture and execution, seen in pirate movies, is called a gibbet cage. Did not know that. Learned something new- gonna drop that in Scrabble.

Daily Doodle: filling in

Finished laying down the background in the last panel.

Daily Doodle: Get it off my back!

To save time, I used a tool brush set from Autodesk Sketchbook to quickly block in water.

Daily Doodle: Tracking

I was thinking about this after I did it. Still going to change things as I ink.

Daily Doodle: The eye has it

Getting things tightened up.
